QCCC-24: The Third International Workshop on Quantum Classical Cooperative Computing


Held in conjunction with the The 38th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS24’)

Kyoto, Japan, June 4 - 7, 2024.


The past few years have seen tremendous development in quantum computing technology, remarked by the demonstra- tion of quantum supremacy. Although many quantum algo- rithms declare exponential speedups over their classical coun- terparts, today’s quantum devices in the noisy-intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) era are very susceptible to environmen- tal noise, internal interference, manufacturing imperfection, and technology limitations. Consequently, quantum algorithms that are more robust to noise, or can be effectively decomposed into small pieces for incremental or parallel execution on NISQ devices become promising.

The purpose of this workshop is to explore innovative ways of quantum-classical cooperative computing (QCCC) to make quantum computing more effective and scalable in NISQ platforms. The workshop will focus heavily on how classical computing can improve NISQ device execution efficiency, scalability, or compensate for noise impact or technology defi- ciency, with particular emphasis on demonstrable approaches on existing NISQ platforms, such as IBM-Q, IonQ and Rigetti.

Workshop Program





Topics of interest for this workshop include, but not limited to:

Topics that are not relevant include pure quantum or pure classical algorithm/hardware design, benchmarking of quantum algorithm/devices.


This workshop is part of ACM ICS 2024: the 38th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS) Kyoto, Japan on June 4-7, 2024.

Important Dates


Authors are invited to submit original 2-page (double-column, up to 4 pages) extended abstracts. The deadline is Friday, March 22, 2024. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM Digital Library as part of the ICS-24 workshop proceedings.

Accepted papers will be given 15 mins to present in the workshop.

Papers are to be submitted electronically through Easychair at Here.

PC Members

Workshop Co-Chairs

Program Co-Chairs

Steering Committee